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Four Men Salad Case

For the past three weeks four men have set up a stand and "sold" salad for $0. After a few days the complaints to the local police was overwhelming. However as the salad looked clean there was technically nothing illegal with it.

Law enforcement was still suspicious because the four men refused to answer why they were doing it. Clearly they were not making a profit but they did it every day from 8am to 7pm, except Sunday. After 3 weeks of trying to figure out why the men were doing Four Men Salad the police arrested them for causing a general disturbance.

The four men have been identified as Harry Morris, David Sandoval, Atul Goel and Gorris Daine. It is known they all quit their jobs about a week before starting Four Men Salad. The police even talked to their wives but they didn’t know the answer either. They are being held in prison as a safety precaution while the police solve the mystery.

While it is not known why the men were selling the salad, the police believe it was something wrong. They are sure it must be a crime in some way, therefore if you ate the salad, YOU ARE A VICTIM. Hire me to represent you in a court of law against Four Men Salad. It’s your right.

If you would like my representation please put your email and eperience with Four Men Salad below.

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